Alexa's Educational Skill
- Figma
- Alexa
- Miro
- Voice Interface
- Virtual Assistent
- Alexa
- Chatbot
- Artificial Intelligence
- Accessibility
- Product Design
Voice application, with the main objective of using Alexa as a means of learning, facilitating and covering even more the scope of the distance education experience.
Finalist project of the Mobile Time Selection Award
Through a partnership with AWS, an educational institution brought the possibility of a marketing campaign, where new students would win an Alexa Echo Dot device. In the presentation of this, we raised the hypothesis of doing something that would make sense and add value to the gift.
Then, we think about the possibility to create an Alexa's skill that would integrate it into the university's study environment.
Create for a tool still little explored by developers in Brazil, an innovative application that, according to Amazon itself, there is no previous case of something that resembles what we were planning.
Also, going over device technical "unfeasibility" for features we were mapping.
Echo devices have allowed us to explore functionality and benefit audiences that we didn't have before. This is the case for people with visual impairments and also with movement limitations. We realized the need to improve even in the development.
Technical Concept
Prior to the design of the project, the applications (Android and IOS) of the institutions that would receive the Alexa skills already existed. They had been developed less than 01 year ago, therefore, under current and effective development parameters. Following this line of reasoning, we chose to reuse the applications' APIs to define the endpoints that would be our focus. Based on the technical possibilities of Alexa versus the existing endpoints, we first developed the POC and then the MVP.
Basic Idea
Create a conversational interface for interaction with the academic environment of the institution. Based on this idea, our process went through:
- Research of native features that could be incorporated into the skill (September 2020)
- Definition of how to use these resources
- POC's Product Design
- Elaboration of the POC by the DEV team
- Validation of deliveries by stakeholders
- Test planning validation
- MVP 1 release on January 30, 2021
- Beginning of evolution to MVP 2
POC Design Product
- Identify enrolled courses
- Reproduction of classes
- Advance to the next class
- Return to previous class
- Percentage and course completion
- Inform registered personal data
- Check communication notifications
- FAQ Activation
- Contact numbers
- Password reset
MVP2 pre-mapping
- Continue consumption on another device
- Playback transfer between Echo devices
- Class availability according to schedule
- Existence and reading of complementary material
- Playback speed change
- Discipline quiz
- Automated dates and deadlines
- Favorite playback class moments
- Verification of evaluation notes
- Search by subject and teacher
In-person tests
- Pre-mapping: submission of a digital form to map the tested personas.
- Individual tests: testers received guidance and tasks to be performed
- Group dynamics 1: the confrontation of individual ideas presented by users
- Group dynamics 2: exercise of valuing features raised by users
- Compilation of results: validation of collected data and presentation of results. Expansion of the digital survey to map more user personas of the institution
Test Planning Map
One of the most important test results was the priority matrix. Generated in dynamics, through exercises of interest and investment, combined with the technical effort of development.
Improved conversational intelligence
Creating a conversational interface is not an easy task. It is necessary to think about the tasks that the interface will do automatically, and improve the use of its intelligence. This goes for both virtual assistants and chatbots, and other cognitive technologies. A change of expression, can give more effectiveness, summarize a lot of a user's journey to their goal.
My roles
I acted as UX Lead for the project. Responsible for skills ideation, product design, management, definition and review of user journeys, setting priorities, ideation, conducting tests and research, surveying and reporting results, support and interface of third-party vendors and research resources.
See other of my works
My portfolio
Voice application, with the main objective of using Alexa devices as a means of learning.
- Figma
- Alexa
- Miro
- Figma
- Photoshop
- XD
- Adobe XD
- Miro
- Illustrator
- Photoshop
- Figma
- Wholesale Store
- Figjam
- Adobe Photoshop
- Figma
- Illustrator
- Visual Identity
- Adobe XD
- Illustrator
- Visual Identity
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